Making Art Making Money Program Description

The overall goal of the Making Art Making Money ™ 90-day immersive program is to help established and emerging artists, artisans, designers, and photographers learn how to sell their art, without feeling like a sell-out by:
- learning
- testing
- iterating
The Making Art Making Money ™ 90-day immersive program overall outcomes are to support your efforts in:
- building a sustainable part-time art business
- building a sustainable full-time art business
- making an informed and empowered decision to maintain your art as a hobby
To graduate you must:
- complete each of the ten courses
- confirm your overall comprehension in a post-assessment by scoring over 90%
- form hypotheses and experiment with your 4-Part Code:
- Why, your creative purpose
- What, your mission
- How, the clear value that you offer above and beyond your art
- Who, the target market who can best serve or your tribe
- reiterate based on the results of your experiments
- earn back your tuition investment through the sale of your art within a year of enrolling, at a minimum, during your final project Prototype Project
Course 00/Orientation

- welcome and orient you to the Making Art Making Money ™ program
- teach you the three best practices that successful students consistently employ
- you will be prepared to succeed within the program
- you will assess and benchmark your current level of comprehension and skill
Course 01/Accomplishing

- define and commit to specific achievable goals using specific criteria
- take continuous focused action towards attainable goals
- examine your habits and begin establishing more productive habits
- start to identify and transforming self-limiting beliefs
- you will have defined and committed to specific achievable goals
- you will increase your chance of attainting your goals over 80%
- you will started taking continuous focused action towards your goals
- your level of focus and confidence will begin to increase
- you will begin to employ more productive habits into your daily routine
- started to identify and dissolve your most self-limiting beliefs
Course 02/Visioning

- learn how to find your Why, your creative purpose
- learn how to know yourself, at a much deeper level
- know your Why, your creative purpose
- know your What, your mission
- have much more clarity about who you are what you stand for and what you stand against
- have more confidence and focus to express your unique point of view with mimicking other artists
- have completed the first part of The 4-Part Code to identify your unique market niche
Course 03/Valuing

- how to write and refine a one-page plan that guides your focused action to build your creative enterprise
- why writing a plan will increase your chances of success
- write the first draft of your MM One-Page plan
- identify what you know and what you still need to learn or clarify and iterate your plan
Course 04/Dealing

- how to write and refine a one-page plan that guides your focused action to build your creative enterprise
- why writing a plan will increase your chances of success
- write the first draft of your MM One-Page plan
- identify what you know and what you still need to learn or clarify and iterate your plan
Course 05/Targeting

- You will learn how successful artists identify and and celebrate their tribe and their culture.
The outcome of the Targeting Course is that you will:
- form hypotheses and test the How and Who of 4-Part Code below How and Who test these in your final project in Course 09, the Art Incubator Course.
Course 06/Selling
You will learn that you must:
- stop trying to sell yourself
- stop trying to sell your art
- start guiding authentic and inspiring conversations through seven natural steps
- start practicing guiding your prospects through a natural seven step dialogue
- determine if your offering is helpful to them or not
- learn how to correctly secure referrals which, on average, generate over 80% more sales
Course 07/Copyrighting
- The goal of the Copyright Course is to teach you why you must claim and protect your intellectual property
You will protect:
- what is potentially your most vital financial asset representing significant current and future revenue
- your brand
- your reputation
Course 08/Profiting 
- The goal of the Profiting course is to teach you how to determine your profit by continuously calculating how much money you’re making and how much you’re spending
You will determine if you are currently running:
- a profitable art business
- at a temporary loss
- an expensive hobby
Course 09/Incubating
The goals of the Incubating Course are to:
- teach you how to assess and approach prospects to be case studies for your Prototype Project.
- help you earn back your tuition investment, at a minimum, through the sale of your art.
- teach you how to experiment with your 4-Part Code.
- reassess and benchmark your current level of comprehension and skill which indicates the probability that you will be able to sell your art.
- experiment with your hypotheses of your How and Who the second and last step of your 4-Part Code:
- Why, your creative purpose
- What, your mission
- How, the clear value that you offer above and beyond your art
- Who, the target market who can best serve or your tribe
- Continue to experiment until you have:
- confirmed your How, the clear value you offer above and beyond your art
- confirmed your Who, your tribe
- secured written testimonials for your offering
- earned back your tuition investment through the sale of your art, at a minimum

(What else is included?)
- You will gain access to nine comprehensive online courses with five minute, action oriented, video lessons and quizzes.
- You will gain exclusive access to a warm, welcoming, and informed global support network including 23 different types of established and emerging artists, artisans, designers, and photographers from 20 countries and counting.
- You will have direct access to guidance from Artist & Mentor Ann Rea and her skilled Teaching Assistants via our online community.
- You will receive a confidential, comprehensive pre-program self-assessment to benchmark your current knowledge and skills.
- You will receive a confidential, comprehensive post program self-assessment to benchmark your knowledge and skills so that you can appropriately review lessons.
- You will receive brief lesson quizzes reinforcing your comprehension along the way.
- You will receive a recommended reading list.
- You will receive captioned videos.
- You will gain access to recommended resources, some with special discounts, including:
- eCommerce
- drop shipping
- email marketing
- fine art reproductions
- framing
- You will gain access to bonus lectures from a range of experts including,
- Branding
- Copyright Law
- Creativity
- Entrepreneurship
- Performance Psychology
- Social Media Marketing
- You will gain access to the “Art Savings and Sales Tracking Tool” a proprietary tool to measure the return on your tuition investment by tracking the amount of money that you are saving and making as a direct result of what you are learning in the program because “what we measure improves.”
- You will receive a 60-day Satisfaction Guarantee. We will refund your tuition investment in full within 60-days of your enrollment if you can show us that you have completed the lessons, quizzes, and homework within Courses 01 and 01.