Learn how to sell your art without feeling like a sell-out.

You’ll graduate once you’ve earned back your tuition investment through the sale of your art, at a minimum, during your final project.

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Making Art Making Moneyā„¢

is an innovative 90-day artist-training program providing insights that could prove beneficial to thousands of entrepreneurs." - Inc. Magazine


Your levels focus and self-confidence will triple from a 2.5 to an 8, on a scale of one to ten, if you're like the average graduate.


You can stop trying to figure it all by yourself because you'll have Study Partners, of your choosing, and you'll be a part of an informed, warm, and welcoming community that's free of competition, jealousy, and snobbery, including 23 different types of established and emerging artists and artisans from 20 countries and counting.


You'll have a 60-day money back guarantee, unlike art school or business school. If you do the work, but the program is not working for you, we will refund your tuition in full.


Apply Now Invest in Yourself

1. Invest In Yourself

Take the first small step and enroll now. Then we'll guide you one step at a time. 

2. Join Our Community

Start gaining encouragement and accountability with a global network of Study Partners and friends, of your choosing.  

Enroll Now

3. Graduate

You’ll graduate once you’ve earned back your tuition investment through the sale of your art, at a minimum, during your final project.

"This is real. I've seen a lot of really great results from the things I've learned. These are steps that you can take and practice. You can be happy and make art and sell it. I've made $13,470 from my art this year, more than double what I made last year."

Artist Laurel Greenfield
Boston, Massachusetts

"Life is too short. You're the person who's going to take charge of it. This a community of people who can help you and who want to help you. I've hit over $120,000 this fiscal year, $60,000 of that has been art sales, and I paid off $10,000 in credit card debt."

Artist Sam Shennan
Sydney, Australia

"Don't doubt it for a minute. Sign up. This is the best gift you could give to yourself. I've already recommended it to so many people. I sold 26 pieces of my art in my first exhibition and I gained three commissions."

Artist Khadeeja Sheikh
London, England

"I feel so f*cking empowered. I can't even tell you. I remember the days of selling something for $1000 and going "Zippity Doo Dah." I sold this painting for $25,000. "

Artist Marie Bender
Ambler, Pennsylvania

"I talked about my mission. I sold over four times the amount from last year, not even counting a lucrative commission and at least three connections that could well prove to be priceless in the months ahead."

Artist Nadine Prada
Toronto, Canada

" I feel like I had been trying for at least a little less than a decade. Go ahead and do it now, then you'll be where you want to be a lot faster. There are things that I would not have been able to figure out by myself."

Artist Leah Smithson
Los Angeles

"It's really painful thinking back to not having any direction. I just wasted a lot of time. If I could have found a program like this 10 years ago, I'd be flying by now."

Artist Eimear Kavanagh
Liverpool, England

The truth is

too many dedicated artists are struggling unnecessarily with a lack of focus and self-confidence, that's reinforced by societies' low expectations of them. So it's easy for the art establishment to take advantage of artists. 

Artists aren't just interested in showing their art. They're interested in selling their art and knowing that it matters.

Every artist asks themselves, "Is my art even good enough?"

If you're already selling your art, then it's good enough.

What if you had a proven process to sell more art? Wouldn't you sell more? 

Is it easy to sell your art?

We all know that's it not.

Is it possible? Absolutely!

But you know, you're not going to succeed alone.

The secret is when you are part of an informed, warm, welcoming global community of artists, free of competition, jealousy, and snobbery, and you're wondering, "Am I going to be able to complete this program?" The answer consistently is, "If these artists can complete this program, then so can I."

Success comes from creating clear value above and beyond your art in service to a mission that's greater than yourself.

So you don't need to sell yourself or write another artist statement.

But this requires more than just hope. You need a plan, and that should take you about 90 days, not decades.

You don't need to pay the scarcity-based art establishment 50% or more in sales commissions to buy their validation. You don't a representative's permission to sell your art. The affluent prefer to support artist by buying from them directly and introducing you to their friends and family so that you can cultivate sales by referrals. The affluent rely more on referrals.

  • What if you could generate over 80% more art sales and you keep 100% of the money?
  • What if you didn't need a gallery to sell your art?  
  • What if you could stop paying 50% in sales commissions and expensive show fees?

If you could have figured out how to sell more art, wouldn't you have done it by now?

Join Us

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You're probably aren't just interested in showing your art. 
You're more interested in selling their art, and you want your art to matter. 
There's nothing more inspiring than getting paid for doing what you love, and you deserve to be paid. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

What's it costing you?

Start adding up how much art you've sold less what it's costing you year after year in art education, expensive art supplies, photography, framing, storage, transportation, rent, entry fees, 50% or more in sales commissions, discounts, needless rejection, wasted time and energy, and countless lost opportunities that you can't yet see.

How much more time do you want to spend trying to figure it all out by yourself?

You can recover your money, but you can never restore your time.

You'll graduate once you have earned back your tuition investment through the sale of your art during your final project, at a minimum.

Join Us

50% Complete

Two Step

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