U.S. and Canadian Fine Artists

Apply for Favorable Funding

Step 1 Apply Below

  1. Click Apply Now then select the option in the upper left hand corner.
  2. Then select a loan amount, the program is $7498 USD, and follow the step-by-step instructions.
  3. The process is safe and secure, it takes less than 5 minutes, and it doesn't affect your credit score. 
Apply Now

Step 2 Schedule A Brief Call

  1. You'll receive approval in just 2 -3 business hours.
  2. Then you'll schedule a brief call with a Funding Specialist.
  3. They will help you select the very best funding option for you.
Apply Now

Step 3 Transfer Tuition Funds

  1. You'll receive your funds in only 3 - 5 business days.
  2. We'll send you an invoice with a secure bank wire transfer link.
  3. You'll be enrolled and you can pay off your funding early at no cost! 
Apply Now