Start selling even more of your fine art today.
Focus on one proven luxury sales strategy to find your next collector.
The Art. Money. Power. Workshop
Join a new interactive online workshop available on-demand now.
P.S. A minimum of $5000 of previous art sales is required.
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A new interactive online workshop.
Gain focus and reclaim your dignity so that you can start selling more art at higher prices than you ever imagined.
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My gallery shut down. I wasn’t making any sales. So, I was searching for collectors, searching to be seen. I did not have confidence or know what to do.
It's incredible. Just so many things open up. I think just having that faith. I just thought, "Well, where am I going to be if I don't do this?
Where am I going to be?"
Kelly Hsiao
Fine Art Photographer
Maui, Hawaii
Available for you online the moment you register.

I wasn't very confident in my prices, and I didn't know how to price or sell things. I was shy and wishy-washy about my numbers, prices, and money. It would make me nervous to talk about it.
I've spent about 15 years immersed in self-development but it is not specific to fine artists. If you're unsure of becoming a successful fine artist, this is probably not the place for you.
Travis Krause
Fine Artist
Greely, Colorado
Available for you online the moment you register.

I was very unsure of myself and extremely unorganized with my time management. Once I dove in bravely and courageously, it made a huge difference.
I did not know, that you were going to dig so deep into my heart. So be prepared for that. It’s going to happen. Your emotion, the fibers of your body are going to change in a good way.
Leisa Lewis
Fine Artist
Bitterroot Valley, Montana
Available for you online the moment you register.
YES. I'm ready to reclaim my power and sell more of my fine art.
$48 this week only then it's $192.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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I’m so done.
I never made a profit in an art gallery.
I lost money. In fact, with all the expensive framing.
I'm so done.
I felt the least valued as a human being and as a woman in this gallery than I've ever felt. It was demoralizing.
It wasn't good for me.
My most painful moment was when my dealer had my art in a cardboard box in the broom closet.
When I came in to show my art to some clients/ friends, he brought it out of the broom closet stacked, not even front to front, threw it out onto the showroom floor.
I worked so hard for this and you're treating it like garbage.
I felt the least valued I'd ever felt in my life.
So this gallery was high end, *prestigious, and I was desperate to be in there.
I wanted credibility and pedigree.
It was feeding my ego. It wasn't feeding my wallet.
I thought that was where I was supposed to be.
"If you had given up on your art, which you were contemplating, how do you think that would have made you feel?"
How dark do you want me to get?
I probably would have killed myself. I mean, I would have probably committed suicide.
Now, during the Making Art Making Money® program, I've sold more art this year than I've sold in many years.
Cynthia Mosser
Fine Artist
Vancouver, Washington
* Etymology. From French prestige to Latin praestīgium, "a delusion, an illusion, deceit."
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowYou came into the art world with creative fire and passion.
You knew who you were. You knew what you wanted. And you couldn’t wait for the day when thousands would appreciate your work — where you’d be well paid and respected — and you could finally say “I made it”.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowThen something happened.
- You were forced through the sharp gauntlet of doubting parents, passive-aggressive partners, and friends who treated you like a charity case.
- Those who were supposed to help you "make it" (art schools, agents, galleries, etc.) took far more than they ever gave.
- You’d get enough "interest" or "traction" not to feel delusional. Still, it never translated to enough money to fully feel like you "made it" or get parents/partners off your case — making you feel like you were in an abusive, non-serving relationship with the craft you’ve given so much to.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowYou’ve been left angry, disillusioned, and...
...with the creeping doubt that maybe this dream of being an abundant, respected, and sought-after artist might not happen for you after all.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowThis isn’t how it was supposed to go.
But you refuse to let this be the way it ends. You know that within you, that fire still exists. You know that your art deserves to be purchased, proudly displayed, and widely appreciated. You know that it must still be possible for you.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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There’s so much that goes on in my life. I’m extremely busy.
You’ve blessed me and thousands of other artists. Thank you so much.
Temi Ayodeji
Fine Artist
Dothan, Alabama
Available for you online the moment you register.

I was literally really depressed at the time when I saw your Instagram ad.
Then I thought, this is a sign! Someone is giving me their hand and I need to grab it.
Jina Kim
Fine Artist
Raleigh, North Carolina
Available for you online the moment you register.

I remember the days of selling something for $1000 and saying, ‘Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.
Now I feel so fricken' empowered and I’m not offering any more discounts.
Marie Bender
Fine Artist
Ambler, Pennsylvania
Available for you online the moment you register.
A new 3-part proven process to create your most profitable, purposeful, and powerful year as a fine artist yet.
At this point, you know the art establishment isn’t going to save you.
You’re done with their empty promises.
You’re done with the powerless "hope and dream" that maybe someday they’ll "choose you" or tell you you’re "good enough."
Instead, you get to carve your own path.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowReal artists are not discovered. Real artists discover themselves.
After helping 1,000+ fine artists increase their prices and sell with confidence while creating with deep purpose and meaning again, all without agents or galleries, here’s what I know to be true about your most fruitful and empowered next steps:
Register NowStep 1
Reclaim Your Art
When you reclaim your power, you’ll begin to feel more connected to your creative fire, not just for the pieces you create but for your life purpose.
You won’t need anyone or anything to validate you ever again.
You’ll know who you are — and you’ll love who you get to be.
Your work will regain meaning.
Your creative expression will be inspired by something greater than you can imagine.
And most importantly, you’ll start feeling like your whole, most powerful, and artistic self again.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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Step 2
Reclaim Your Money
If you're like MOST fine artists, you've spent far more on your craft than what you've received back.
Between art school, galleries, agent fees, and contests, you've fallen victim to big promises that have over-promised and under-delivered.
This has caused embarrassment and far more awkward conversations than you'd like to admit.
It's time to STOP being the customer of a crooked "art industry" — and start owning your own art business and financial and artistic future.
Here, you learn that ART IS A BUSINESS — and gain the tactical skills to start selling your own work directly — at premium prices — using rare luxury marketing strategies that the establishment has kept secret from you.
You stop waiting for the "miraculous" breakthrough from an agent or gallery — and start controlling your own financial and artistic fortune.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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Step 3
Reclaim Your Power
Before you can have your most successful and passionate year as an artist, you must illuminate all the places you've given up your power and dignity.
You need to go from "victim" of the establishment to the self-empowered creator of your own artistic legacy.
Will there be healing to be had? Yes.
Will it be emotional and messy at times? It might.
But the resurgence of power and confidence will fuel your next steps into purpose, abundance, and power in record time.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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This is the best gift you could give to yourself.
My self-worth and my value of myself are just...I've never felt like this. It's amazing!
Khadeeja Sheikh
Fine Artist
London, England
Available for you online the moment you register.
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Get instant access in just 60 seconds.
The Art. Money. Power. workshop package includes:
- 72 hours of expert private coaching, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Saver, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Maker, $400 value
Total Value: $1200
Everyday Investment, $192
Available right now for a single payment of $48.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowPeople who care about fine art care about the artist. They don't care about the middleman. They care about you.
If you’ve been creatively and financially stuck for months or years as a fine artist, it’s time to craft your own lucrative, life tipping point.
You know you can’t keep going the "old way" and expecting different results.
You’re done playing the powerless game of waiting to be chosen.
Instead, you’ll "discover yourself," heal the past and learn the luxury marketing strategy that the top 1% of fine artists use daily to make an amazing living while having their art appreciated by affluent collectors and clients worldwide.
People who care about your art care about you.
Move the middleman out of your way.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowWorkshop highlights.
- Identify your limiting beliefs and start to eliminate them using four powerful steps and strengthen your confidence.
- Eliminate one or more of 50 costly, ineffective, time-consuming, soul-sucking, and confidence-crushing ways to sell your fine art and increase your focus.
- Learn how one proven luxury marketing and sales strategy can help you sell 80% more art on average and keep 100% of your money without trying to "sell yourself."
- See how you can find your next collector who is 82% more likely to buy, spend more money, and happily introduce you to other collectors.
- Project how much more money you can make using one proven luxury marketing and sales strategy.
- Calculate how much time, money, and energy you can immediately start saving.
- Sketch a solid fine art sales plan to generate sustainable organic sales.
- Rest assured, you’ll have your own private coach for up to 72 hours so that you can feel confident and guided.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowTODAY ONLY
3 Premium Bonuses To Get You On The Path Faster
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowBONUS 1
Expert Private Coaching
We recorded this workshop so that you can watch it at your convenience.
To ensure you receive more personalized support, your investment includes access to LIVE private 1:1 coaching via text support from Ann Rea and her expert team for up to 72 hours.
$400 value
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register Now

The Art Time & Money Saver
You'll gain a strong advantage over 99% of all experienced fine artists.
You know how much money, time, and energy you can start saving today by side-stepping one or more 50 costly, ineffective, time-consuming, soul-sucking, and confidence-crushing common mistakes.
$400 value
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowBONUS 3
The Art Time & Money Maker
You'll determine how much more art you could be selling by focusing on one proven luxury.
One time tested marketing and sales strategy can put you in front of collectors who are 82% more likely to buy your art, spend more money, and gladly introduce you to other collectors.
$400 value
Available for you online the moment you register.
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The 2x Breakthrough Guarantee
We know you've probably already tried "all the things" and may have your doubts that anything can provide you with the next-level breakthrough in your art sales.
We refuse to let the Art. Money. Power workshop be just another failed attempt that leads to an awkward conversation with your loved ones.
After serving thousands of successful artists without a single refund request, here's what we know that if you play full in this workshop, engage with your coach over the next 72 hours, and approach the material with courage and openness, you'll receive THREE life-changing breakthroughs:
- An emotional breakthrough as you reclaim your power and dignity.
- A strategic breakthrough as you embrace a clear and exciting path towards selling more of your art directly without any middlemen.
- A personal and spiritual breakthrough as you reconnect to your confidence and sense of meaning and purpose.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Get access to Art. Money. Power. in just 60 seconds.
The Art. Money. Power. workshop package includes:
- Access to expert private coaching for 72 hours, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Saver, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Maker, $400 value
Total Value: $1200
Everyday Investment, $192
Available right now for a single payment of $48.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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Do it now, you’ll be where you want to be a lot faster.
It would have taken me over a decade to figure this out, at least.
Leah Smithson
Fine Artist
Los Angeles, California
Available for you online the moment you register.
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This helped me build my confidence.
Before, one of my big challenges was having the courage to reach out to people. I felt insecure and lost about what to say when I reached out.
Nicki Adani
Fine Artist
Sausalito, California
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowArt. Money. Power. will be a confidence-restoring and art sales-boosting for you if:

The art establishment has taken far more from you than it's given.
Between art school, representatives, galleries, prestigious show fees, and eCommerce sites for fine artists, and your limited time and energy, you've realized that you're likely SPENDING more than you've made.
There are two art markets — one where you're a pawn in the art establishment's game and one where you're the boss, selling your art directly to collectors who want to know and support you. It's time to step into your power.
You're ready to powerfully step into the latter by taking significant steps to take your sales to the next level, where you'll be taken seriously as a fine artist.
You're ready to cancel your membership to the "broke artist's society."
Maybe at one point, it felt "romantic".
Maybe you found a sense of community in the struggle-bonding with other peers.
However you got there, you're so-effin-done with it.
Now's the time to see who you get to be when you're well-paid, well-respected, and in control of your financial and artistic legacy.
Register NowPart of you feels like it's "too late," while another part refuses to quit.
You have a love/hate relationship with being a fine artist.
You know it's your soul's purpose — what you're here to do.
But it's costing you so much more than it's giving you.
You hate being unable to share positive updates with friends or family when they ask.
Despite that, you know that with the right guidance, you can flip the script, change the story, and walk into next year's Thanksgiving dinner excited to share all the breakthroughs and miracles you've been celebrating as an artist.
You're ready for clear steps towards selling your art in the next 12 months than you have in the last 12 years.
You know it won't happen by repeating the same steps, wishing the same wishes, and praying for the same elusive breakthrough.
Part of reclaiming your power means taking things into your own hands.
Having a clear plan to sell more art, hit your revenue goals, and reclaim the power and passion that comes with solidifying your place as an abundant and sought-after artist.
Register now
Get instant access in just 60 seconds.
The Art. Money. Power. workshop package includes:
- 72 hours of expert private coaching, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Saver, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Maker, $400 value
Total Value: $1200
Everyday Investment, $192
Available right now for a single payment of $48.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register NowQuestions other fine artists asked before enrolling in Art. Money. Power.
How do I get support if I have questions?
Why is this so inexpensive? What’s the catch?
I’m a newer artist, is this for me?
Will I have time for this if I'm busy?
Get access to Art. Money. Power. in just 60 seconds.
The Art. Money. Power. workshop package includes:
- Access to expert private coaching for 72 hours, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Saver, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Maker, $400 value
Total Value: $1200
Everyday Investment, $192
Available right now for a single payment of $48.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Register Now

You don’t have to do this alone.
I'm a fine artist like you.
In December 2007, the Great Recession hit, and my fine art sales stalled and this crushed my confidence.
I was trying anything and everything.
I didn't know where to focus so I felt overwhelmed.
Then, I focused on one proven luxury marketing and sales strategy and I increased my average sale price by 400% from $2,000 to $10,000 within only six months.
I did this without feeling pushy, paying sales commissions, writing cringy artist's statements, or an expensive and complicated eCommerce site.
If I can do it, you can too.
Over the last 19 years, over 3000 fine artists from 23 countries have mastered one proven luxury marketing and sales strategy, which they learned in Marking Art Making Money®, to triple their average sales prices and confidence.
I'm on a mission to help other fine artists take their power back from the scarcity and permission-based art establishment.
Are you ready?
Ann Rea
Fine Artist, Mentor & Advocate
Available for you online the moment you register.
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Take a quick peak inside of Art. Money. Power.
Available for you online the moment you register.
Get instant access in just 60 seconds.
The Art. Money. Power. workshop package includes:
- 72 hours of expert private coaching, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Saver, $400 value
- The Art Time, Money Maker, $400 value
Total Value: $1200
Everyday Investment, $192
Available right now for a single payment of $48.
Available for you online the moment you register.
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